Hate incidents The University considers a Hate Incident to be an incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's: 

  • disability or perceived disability;
  •  race or perceived race;
  •  religion or perceived religion;
  •  sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation;
  • transgender identity or perceived transgender identity. 

Where there is evidence that an incident is found to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, the University will treat this an aggravating factor in considering any appropriate action to take. Hate incidents may also be crimes and consideration should be given to reporting such matters to the police. 

The incident can take many forms, and be perpetrated by either an individual or group, including: 

  • physical attacks, such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes and arson 
  • threat of attack, including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls and other intimidating behaviour 
  • verbal abuse or insults, abusive gestures 
  • other abuse, such as offensive leaflets and posters, unfounded and malicious complaints and bullying. 

Please see our harassment section for a more detailed breakdown on the different types of harassment.

What support is available if I've experienced / witnessed a hate incident?

The University of Essex is a Hate Incident Reporting Centre, this means we offer anyone who has experienced or witnessed a hate crime / incident the opportunity to report it if they would prefer not to report it to the police.

Hate Incident Reporting Centres are locations where victims of a hate incident may choose to report an incident and have control over the nature of the report, the type of investigation and support they need.

In addition to reporting the incident on our Report and Support platform, the following support is available:

Student support at the University of Essex:

You can attend our Wellbeing Drop-In at all 3 campuses which is staffed by Wellbeing Assessors who work for the Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity Service, further information on how to access Drop In can be found here.

Our Wellbeing Assessors can give you a listening ear and signpost you to appropriate services. If you would feel more comfortable with a telephone or Zoom appointment, you can request this via our online appointment form

If you're living on campus, the Residence Life Team is available to assist you. They can offer advice, mediation, and support to address any concerns related to harassment or bullying within the residential community. You can find out more information here.

Whether you've experienced or witnessed a hate incident, SU Advice is here to offer assistance. Their skilled advisers can provide support, help you report incidents to the Police, and offer guidance on accessing other support agencies. You can find out more information here.


External Support:

Galop is a charity that offers specialized support for LGBTQ+ individuals dealing with hate crime. They provide guidance, emotional support, and help with reporting incidents. You can access resources through their website here or by calling their helpline at 0800 999 5428.

Citizens Advice provides valuable resources to aid individuals who have experienced hate incidents. Their resources offer practical steps and support to navigate the aftermath of such incidents. Find out how to get in touch with Citizens Advice here.

Victim Support offer confidential conversations, guidance on navigating the legal system, and assistance with reporting a crime or seeking compensation. Call your local Essex victim care team at 0808 17 81 694 (8am-5pm, Monday to Friday), or reach out to the Supportline at 08 08 16 89 111 for after-hours support, available 24/7. You can find out more information on their website here.

 Stop Hate UK is a valuable resource for addressing hate incidents. By visiting their platform (here), you can access guidance, report hate crimes, and receive assistance tailored to your needs. You can find resources in different languages on their website here.

Colchester based:

The Outhouse provides support for those within the LGBTQ+ community and allies. Their dedicated counselling service provides a safe space to process emotions, explore coping strategies, and foster resilience which can be helpful in the aftermath of a hate incident. You can find out more information here.

Southend based:

Transpire Southend focuses on addressing and preventing hate crime, particularly related to the transgender community. You can seek advice or report an incident by contacting them via email (hca@transpiresouthend.org) or telephone (01702 668 277), you can find out more information on their website here.



Health and Wellbeing at Essex

Joint Trade Unions

ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) guidance on discrimination, bullying, and harassment


Citizens Advice

Victim Support

The Outhouse

What should I DO if I experience or witness a hate incident?

In addition to reporting on our Report and Support platform, you can report a hate incident to the University’s Hate Incident Reporting Centre (HIRC). The HIRC can assist staff and students in reporting hate incidents or crimes to Essex Police.

You can also report an incident directly to the police. To book an appointment with a trained Hate Crime Ambassador please email hirc@essex.ac.uk and someone will respond to arrange a suitable time.

You should report incidents to the University by contacting one of the following:

(Please add 01206 87 if calling from an external phone or 224 before the four digit number if calling using the StudentCom service in University accommodation). 

  • Student Services Hub T 4000
  • Students’ Union Advice Centre T 2021
  • Inclusion team (inclusion@essex.ac.uk)
  • Director of People and Culture T 3394 

 *Please note You are encouraged to report an incident to the University in the first instance, but if you do report an incident directly to the police, please ensure you also report the incident to the University by contacting one of the services mentioned above. The Student Services Hub will also be able to give information about the personal and academic support that is available within the University. 

Members of staff may also want to inform their trade union. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened