Harassment related to disability is illegal under the Equality Act 2010. A person has a disability for these purposes if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse impact on that person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. The Act provides for certain people to meet the definition of disability without having to show that they have an impairment that has or is likely to have a substantial, adverse long-term effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. This includes people who have cancer, HIV infection, multiple sclerosis and people who are certified as blind, partially sighted, severely sight impaired or sight impaired by a consultant ophthalmologist. 

The following are some examples of activities that might constitute harassment related to disability: 
  • direct verbal abuse or comments that make a disabled person feel uncomfortable, intimidated or degraded 
  • comments which fail to acknowledge the employee disability
  •  physical abuse
  •  jokes or banter relating the disabled person
  •  mimicking or teasing a person about their disability
  •  deliberately altering physical space or removing equipment required by the disabled person 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened